Avoid Foreclosure in Northeast Florida
Are you getting behind on your mortgage payments? If you are, I’m sure you’re feeling a number of different emotions. You’re probably scared, worried, wonder how in the world did you let yourself get into this position? Then the next question is how in the world do I get myself out? I don’t need to tell you that everyone needs a roof over their heads,but the question you need to ask yourself is, can I afford the roof I currently live under? If you weren’t behind on your mortgage payments could you afford your normal payment? Sometimes, homeowners get behind because something comes along you weren’t prepared for. Maybe your spouse was laid off, or they got sick, maybe there was a death in the family. Maybe you can easily afford your normal monthly payments, but because you weren’t prepared for one of life’s hurdles you fell behind. Or maybe you’re a homeowner who struggles every month to make your mortgage payment, you scrape and scrape to get by, and at the end of the month you wonder how you’re going to make it to next month. If you find yourself in the situation of getting behind on your payments, the first thing you should do, is to call your mortgage company. Whatever you do don’t avoid them. They don’t want to foreclose on you unless they absolutely have to. Most mortgage companies have a couple of different options for their homeowners who get behind.
I offer seller alternatives to avoid foreclosure, go check them out.
In my next post “Avoid Foreclosure in Northeast Florida Part 2” I’ll talk about what’s involved in the foreclosure process.