Arava Subdivision Green Cove Springs Market Report April 2014
- 3369 Shelley Dr Green Cove Springs, Fl 32043 5/2.5 2912 219,888
- 3365 Shelley Dr Green Cove Springs, Fl 32043 4/2 2151 149,000
One is a foreclosure and the other is seller owned. Homes can pop up on the market before the next report, so check back often and if you would like more details on this above home, visit homes for sale in Arava. If you’re curious about homes for sale in the Lake Asbury area, click that previous link.
Homes under contract in Arava
- 3720 Arava Dr Green Cove Springs, Fl 32043 3/2 1430 110,000
This is a short short sale, so closing could take some time.
Homes withdrawn in Arava
Homes expired in Arava
Homes sold in Arava
- 3456 Shelley Dr Green Cove Springs, Fl 32043 3/2 1571 124,000 SOLD 4/18/2014
This home was a foreclosure.
Arava Subdivision Green Cove Springs Market Report March 2014
Neighborhood Info: Arava Subdivision in Lake Asbury Green Cove Springs Fl
If you’re interested in the current homes for sale in Arava, click that link. Also check out current homes for sale in Clay County and all of Northeast Florida.
Homeowners in Arava looking to sell or just curious on what your home is worth in today’s market, request a FREE Home Valuation and within 24 hours, you will receive your home valuation results, with no obligation or harassment.
Property information is not guaranteed. Listings are from various real estate companies.
We are thinking of buying in Arava. Where can I get a copy of the covenants and restrictions?
Here’s the original ones, but there have been amendments since then. The number to the HOA is 904-298-2321. You can request an updated copy. If you need an agent, I’d love to help you out.