Want to meet new people and get a great workout in?
Have you ever thought of playing soccer?
Who cares if you’ve never played before or if it’s been years since you last played. Soccer is a great sport. I love soccer, it’s intense and I’m burning alot of calories. It’s the one sport I can watch, without my undiagnosed ADD going nuts.
My kids have been playing soccer for years, and I always thought it was a fun sport to watch, but never played as a kid. I started coaching both of my kids Rec teams and figured it would be fun to play and help me be a better coach, so I started playing on a women’s league this past spring. I love it! I play year round, usually once a week, minus some holidays. The league I play in is called the Beaches Adult Soccer League. Don’t let the name fool you, not all the games are played at the Beaches, there are fields all over, in fact, the field that I play at the most is at Plantation Park in the Julington Creek area. There are fields in Jacksonville, Fleming Island, St Johns County. There are women’s, coed, men’s, indoor & outdoor team, 11v11, the list goes on.
The women’s league is 7v7, same with the coed. We have a spring, summer, fall and winter season. You can play for more than one team in different divisions. For example, a female could play on a women’s team and a coed team in the same season. A few of my team mates do that. There are women on my team in their 20s, 30s and 40s. One of our players is 49! When my daughter turns 16, she can play on my team as well. So, age isn’t an excuse. Neither is experience. I had never played when I started playing in the spring. Yes, it was intimidating, but I just overcame my fear and found a team that didn’t care that I’ve never played before. That’s my team in the pic above.
There are a couple other league’s in the Jacksonville area: Jax Sports and First Coast Soccer Club at Patton Park, which is off of Hodges and Beach Blvd. I’ve never played for them, so I can’t give much detail.
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