Search for Homes for Sale in Middleburg
High School Zone
Are you searching for a home in the Middleburg High school zone? I’ve created a search that closely corresponds with the Clay County School zones. Always double check using the Clay County Transportation bus planner website.
Middleburg High School is located at 3750 County Road 220 Middleburg Fl 32068. Here’s what you need to know:
- Office Hours: 7am-2:30pm M-F
- Student Hours: 7:20am-1:40pm M-F
- Phone: 904-336-8075
They serve both breakfast and lunch. You can find out more about the food program for all of Clay County here. The school is grades 9th and 12th. If you would like more information on Clay County Schools and the school board click here. You will find info on how to enroll your student, their bully policy, school calendars, transportation, list of schools and more!
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School under 100k
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School 100,000-200,000
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School 200,000-300,000
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School 300,000-400,000
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School 400,000-500,000
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School 500,000-600,000
Homes zoned for Middleburg High School 600,000 and up
Check out homes for sale in Northeast Florida and homes for sale in Clay County Florida.
For more information on real estate in the Middleburg School zone in Middleburg, call Pam Graham at 904-910-3516.