Cost of Living In Jacksonville Florida
Today’s blog post is about the cost of living in Jacksonville Florida for 2021. If you prefer videos, scroll down a little to see the video. I’m also going to cover St. John’s and Clay counties as well. From housing costs, to my own utilities, cost of some food items and more. Let’s dive in!
First let’s talk about the median sales price in 2021. These numbers reflect September 2021.
Median sales price-
Jacksonville– 268k 2021 225k 2020
St Johns– $437,750 2021 $358,455 2020
Clay County– 295,181 2021 $239,990 2020
Median rental prices– From our MLS residential homes
Jacksonville– $1865 September 2021
St Johns– $2,500 September 2021
Clay County– $1864 September 2021
Average rentals– apartments 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Jacksonville– $649-$4,450
St Johns– $2,300-$2,500
Clay County– $1100-$2,000
Let’s go back to housing. I get asked all the time what the property taxes are here in Jacksonville, which isn’t a simple answer. So, I’ll give you an example. This will be based on If you homestead your property, which means you claim it to be your primary home, the house you live in. House in Jacksonville that is assessed value 250,745k house. With the 50k exemption, which isn’t the full 50k when applied to schools, their taxable values are: $225,745 and $200,745. Their tax bill is:$ 3,894.05. If you want to learn more about property taxes, I’ve included the links below:
Jacksonville Property Appraisers
St Johns County Property Appraisers
Clay County Property Appraisers
We have no state income tax, less tax filing. No sales tax on certain food in the grocery store. Our gas prices are running around $3.19 (went up since the video was filmed), which is what I’ve seen in Orange Park and parts of Jax as of October 29 2021.
Wonder bread is about 2.58 a loaf, Good Seed bread is $5.34
Eggs are @ 4.27 for 36 eggs (In the video the cost is different, due to when I filmed it).
Milk is about 3.43 a gallon.
I’m a chuck eye kinda gal, which runs about $9.98 a pound (In the video the cost is different, due to when I filmed it).
Brussel Sprouts: $2.98 a bag
Broccoli florets: $1.25 bag
Next, I’ll share my utilities with you. Well, at least what they run me. My cable, internet and home phone runs about $217 a month. Yes, I have a home phone. I don’t even know my number. I only got it, because it was cheaper that way. Go figure. My water runs about $60-$70 a month, electric is all over the place, but lowest can be around 100, highest was I believe under 200. I know, that’s vague. It was summer time.
Last thing to add is daycare costs. So many different prices, but I found infants can run about $170-$220 a week. Could be more or less. Before and after school care can run between $95-$120, again it could be more, could be less. Sooo expensive these days. My daughter received a quote of $500 a week for 3 days. 9 month old and a 2 and half year old. That’s crazy! I’m glad to be out of that stage.
If you’re looking to move to Jacksonville and got questions, call or text me at 904-910-3516.
See below for free guides and links to search for homes in Jacksonville.
Are you a home owner in Jacksonville and wondering what the home values are like in Jacksonville? Check out What’s my Jacksonville Florida Home Worth?
[…] Check out the updated one for 2021: Cost of Living in Jacksonville 2021 […]