Do I Need to do a Home Inspection When I buy a House in Northeast Florida?
I could really make this blog post super short, just by answering that question. The answer is no. Nope, you do not have to do a home inspection when you buy a home in Northeast Florida. Ok I’m done now. Ha! No, I won’t just leave it at that answer.
It’s your choice if you want to get one done or not. There’s no law in Florida, saying you have to have it done. When I bought my first home, we did not do a home inspection, and it turned out just fine. However! We were lucky. It could have very well turned out bad. The next house we buy, we will have an inspection done. Here is list of reasons why you should consider having one done:
- Peace of mind. Although, things can still be missed during the home inspection, in most cases you catch issues when you have it done.
- Most home inspectors are very knowledgeable and can give you great information on maintaining your home. Ask them lots of questions.
- They can ease your mind on things, like cracks in the driveway. Most cracks are normal, but if you’re new to Florida or just never noticed before, it can cause some concerns.
- Your real estate agent is not an expert in doing inspections, unless of course, they are actual licensed home inspectors. I’ve learned alot over the years, but I can’t tell you how everything works. I have no problem telling you that I’m not sure, and then asking the home inspector to explain it to you.
- Even buying a brand new house, you should still have a home inspection done. Builders and their crew are human and can make mistakes. I know of a situation where there was none or inadequate installation in the top bonus room. The inspector caught it for the buyer and the builder fixed it.
Those are a few reasons and there are many more, but I hope now, this post helps you make a more educated decision on whether not you need to do a home inspection when you buy a house in Northeast Florida.
If you would like to search for homes in Northeast Florida, click that previous link. If you don’t have an agent to call your own, feel free to either shoot me an email at or call direct at 904-910-3516.