Zip codes in Jacksonville

Jacksonville is ginormous. I came from an area of like 25k people, so this was a huge change for me, but it didn’t take long to get use to it. As of 2021, they are estimating almost 962k people in Jax. I can’t write a blog post without mentioning that Jacksonville is the largest city by area in the contiguous United States. That means our city is spread out, far and wide.
You may have heard that we have a football team. We have had some drama, but next season will be better. Hopefully.
We are a Navy town, with our Naval bases at Mayport and NAS Jax. We get to enjoy the sound of freedom, with planes flying overhead. When you’re going over the Buckman bridge, you can see the base to the north of the bridge. We have the coast guard, National Guard, Air national Guard and Marines stationed here also.