How Long Do I Have To Put Up With Construction on Henley Road in Lake Asbury Green Cove Springs, Florida???
Construction started in December 2011, so right now, we are three months into it. I have to admit, orange is NOT my favorite color at all, so I’m already tired of seeing the orange cones.
The contract for this project is for two years, but the construction company is really pushing for a year and 6 months. I’m pushing for that too! Scroll down for updates on the changed completion dates.
If you’re curious or you’re just nosy like I am, and want to know what they are doing, the Clay County Florida Gov’t website has a drawing of the plans.
There have been changes made. Instead of a median as you will see in the drawings, there will be an open center lane. Also some of the pond locations have changed. If you want more info, you can contact Shawn Thomas at 904–541-3815
The speed limit has dropped down to 35 mph. I know, that sucks! I have seen some motorcycle officers with radar multiple times. Tickets in constructions zones are alot more expensive (I might speak from experience), so slow down and save yourself a few dollars. More importantly, slow down to save a life of one of the workers. They have a tough job working in the heat all day long, plus they are so close to the road, that a speeding or reckless driver could cause them some injuries or death. Let’s look after these guys and gals, who are making our future commute much better!
***UPDATE: The estimated completion date is now around October 2013.
***UPDATE 6/5/2013: The estimated completion date is now late July to August 2013. Woohoo!
I’m sure you’ve seen some activity on the corner of Henley and Sandridge, well folks, that is a gas station that’s being built.