Especially when it comes to selling your Fleming Island Florida Home!
See that picture on the right? That’s what your home looks like when there isn’t a picture of your home uploaded to the Northeast Florida Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
As I search through the expired listings (listings that failed to sell and are no longer on the market) in the MLS, I come across that generic No Photo Available frequently. How in the world can a house be listed for months and months and never have any pictures taken? If you’re wondering why your Home In Fleming Island or Orange Park hasn’t sold and your MLS listing features the dreaded No Photo Available, it’s safe to say, that is a HUGE reason your home hasn’t sold! There may be other reasons your home hasn’t sold and we will discuss all those reasons, in my Pinnacle Home Value Report.
In today’s market, a buyer has more available homes to weed through, to find their perfect home, then they have in many years. Chances are, if they come across a house that has no picture, they will move on to the next one without even clicking on it to get more information. Why? One of the first things that pops in their mind is, “gee that house must really be ugly or need alot of work for them not to have any pictures.” Who cares if your backyard view is of a beautiful lake or your kitchen is big enough to fit the entire Jacksonville Jaguars team in it. Without a picture, they will never know!
Now on the flip side, what if your house really is as ugly as a pig in mud and has pink and green shag carpet in the entire house? I think you should still take as many pictures as possible to give the potential buyer a look at the floor plan. That shag carpet can be removed after they buy it! (who knows, they may really want to keep it) If the house is a great deal, certain things can be overlooked! Without a pic, you may never get a fair shake.
So, what’s a seller to do? Hire an agent whose standard procedure is to take alot of photos. I take a minimum of 25 pictures for every listing. Request a copy of your listing to be emailed to you, so you can see what a buyer sees. Taking alot of photos is your agent’s job, your job is to make sure your house shows in the best possible way to make those photos jump out at a buyer. Now that’s a whole other post!
If you’re thinking of selling your home or just curious what you’re Fleming Island Home is worth in today’s market, fill out my FREE home evaluation form and I’ll have your valuation results sent out to you via email in 24 hours or less.