Homes For Sale in Silver Creek Green Cove Springs
Silver Creek is located in the Lake Asbury area of Green Cove Springs. The first of the homes built was in 2004 and now are up to 600 homes in the subdivision. House sizes start around 1200 square feet and go up to 3400 square feet. There’s a Silver Creek Homeowner’s association that manages the neighborhood, which also includes a neighborhood playground and pool. Right across the street is the Ronnie Van Zant park, which has trails, tennis courts, playground and a pond. The school zone is Clay County Schools, which include Lake Asbury Elementary and Lake Asbury Jr High, both of those are just up the street and the high school is Clay High. To verify, Clay County Schools has this cool tool, from the transportation dept, where you can input the street address and it tells you which schools you’re zoned for.
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