What’s up with all these red light cameras popping up in Orange Park, Florida?
If you travel on Highway 17 (Park Ave) through Orange Park, I’m sure you have seen these red light cameras popping up. They have been installed at Kingsley and Park, Loring and Park, and Kingsley and DeBarry. They will start issuing warnings in mid-March, then 30 days after they start running the red light cameras, the real deal will be issued at $158 a pop. Ouch.
Now, for those of you who are not familiar with red light cameras, they are cameras that take pictures of vehicles, whose driver runs a red light. The ones in Green Cove Springs takes pictures and videos. You run a red light and later get an invitation to send in your hard earned money to pay for that little mistake. I know, they can keep their invitation!
Some people don’t like these cameras and feel it’s an invasion of privacy, however the cameras only take a picture of the car, not the driver. Me personally, I’m good with those cameras. I can’t tell you how many times I’m sitting on 17, heading south towards Fleming Island and my light is green, but I can’t go, because the drivers making left turns, haven’t quite gotten the message that red means to stop.
Don’t get me wrong, those left hand turn signals need to last longer, so more people can get through it before it changes to red. I’m partial to something being done, since the only 2 car accidents I’ve had were caused by a driver making a left turn and not yielding and slamming into the side of my car. The 2nd time, my kids were in the car with me, so if these cameras reduce the number of accidents that happen, then let’s put some more up!