Rental Scams in Northeast Florida
This post has been in the works for awhile, but I keep finding new scams popping up to add to my list. I can’t wait as they are getting bolder and the frequency has increased. In this blog post I’ll share links and actual screen shots of the scammer’s ads, so you can get an idea of what to look for.
At first the scams seemed to be just on Craigslist. The scammer would take a house listed for sale and create a rental ad, using the description and photos, then advertise it for rent. Cheap rent, which would get people to call of course. Eventually the scammer would ask for the prospective tenant to mail them the deposit and first month’s rent in order to get the keys. No keys ever sent. Here’s one that happened in 2019: Jacksonville Craigslist rental scam
I found another one from Craigslist: Jacksonville CL Rental scam This one was from 2018.
There are some companies who specialize in rentals that allow the prospective tenant to be able to let themselves into a rental to take a look without an agent. Scammers are getting those codes, advertising the rental for cheap, then send a fake application and lease. The prospective tenant sends a wire or money orders to the scammer. Here’s one that was in St Augustine: Rental scam in St Augustine. This family already moved in, when a rep from the rental company came to show it.
I spoke to a lady who’s daughter was scammed, and actually met the scammer at an office! She moved in and eventually the real owner came knocking on the door when they realized someone was living in the house. I tried to find the article for her situation, but didn’t have any luck. I did find one where two local losers in Jacksonville scammed a family, causing them to lose about $3,500 in deposits. Local losers scamming people for rentals. They were arrested.
Now, due to the covid, some scammers are using that as a reason not to meet. Here’s a lady who lost a couple thousand on a rental scam in Jacksonville. Covid rental scam.
Facebook Marketplace is another place for scammers. Here’s some screen shots of two I found:
Now, you have an idea of how the scammers advertise, and get away with stealing money from people. Now, I’ll talk about how to prevent it.
Here are some red flags:
- Tell you they are out of state or country and can’t show it to you in person
- Use covid as an excuse not to show it
- Ask you to wire or send a money order to get the key
- Low rental amount (If it sounds too good to be true, it’s not true)
- Including all utilities in the rental amount.
If you come across one that has your spidey senses are tingling here’s some things to do to find out of it’s a scam:
- Google the address. If it’s listed for sale or for a higher rental amount, call that person. Usually, it’s a real estate company with the legit listing.
- Check public records to see if the name matches. Now, if you find that it does match, you’re not in the clear yet. Public records is as it sounds…..public, so the scammer can get this same information.
- Contact the scammer and ask them questions, like how to set up a showing. If the address isn’t listed, ask them for it. Some will avoid certain questions.
- Ask them if they are a real estate agent. If they say they are, Look up their name at: My Florida License. Ask them what their license number is. Who their broker is. If an ad doesn’t have their company name, it could be a scam. In Florida, we are suppose to disclose our brokerage name.
- can give you info on the owner, including contact info. Not always accurate, but another avenue to help try to make sure you’re not dealing with a scammer.
If you can, work with a licensed real estate agent or company. I realize property management companies can have more rules in place, than private owners, so it’s not always feasible. So, if you choose to go the private owner route, do your research and be safe!
Now, if you want to avoid rental scams altogether, you can buy your own home. Maybe you think that’s not possible due to credit or no down payment. Check out my blog posts I wrote about just for buyers: Home Buyer Tips
You can check those out, without an agent bothering you. If you do have questions and want to talk or text, mu direct number is 904-910-3516.