Working from home is fun and exciting!!! Said everyone before they actually start working from home. A month into it, maybe even two months into it, they’re like….Working. From. Home. Sucks! I’m about ready to duct tape the kids to the trees outside! Ha! Yes, I work from home and yes I have kids. No you won’t find them duct taped to any trees outside. I had to bring them inside, cos the neighbors were starting to look at me funny. I’m kidding, I haven’t duct taped my kids. Well, except for the few times in my dreams. Oh yeah they have definitely been duct taped there.
So….I just want to share my working from home experience today. It is very challenging at times. I know people think working from home is all fun and glamorous. Wearing PJs with footies while hammering out details to million dollar contracts. Yes, I have faxed contracts in my PJs, minus the footies of course. I’ve searched for homes for buyers, without ever lifting a brush to my head. And I have convinced stubborn short sale lenders to approve our contract without stepping one foot in the shower. I know, pretty sweet.
The truth of the matter in all seriousness, is that working from home has many pros and its share of cons. I save gas not having to drive to an office everyday. I can set the temperature at any degree I want. I can decorate my office the way I like. I can take a break and workout, then get right back to working when I’m done. I can talk to myself and answer myself if I wanna. That’s just some of the pros. To be fair, I also have to mention some of the cons. See that face to the right? Yeah that’s one of my cute little doggies. That’s Bud. As you can see, he’s holding what’s left of a soccer ball that he wants thrown to him in the back yard. You can also see my laptop, which is closed, because Bud will not leave me alone when he wants some attention. (yes, I sometimes work from my living room) My other dog, Hailey, I have to actually go check on her to make sure she’s still alive, she’s so independent. Not Bud. So, in order to continue, I have to take a break and give him some attention. It’s hard to resist his face and even harder to resit his paw as he’s using it to dig in my arm and make me do his bidding. I mentioned my duct taped kids. It’s awesome to be here when they come home and during breaks, but they really mess with the ebb and flow of my work day when they are home. Their friends beat on the front door, which gets Bud to barking and he is loud! Then, I have to stop and go yell at everyone and remind them that I have duct tape and I’m not afraid to use it.
Yep, by the time August gets here, I am contacting the school board everyday pleading with them to open their doors, just a little sooner for me. My pleas have not worked yet.
So, working from home is really a good thing. Really. It is. You just have to make sure you have some discipline by having a plan, then working that plan. Also, be flexible for unexpected things. Train the people around you, that even though you’re home, you’re not really home. Have patience with the people you’re training to leave you alone, cos I really can’t blame them for wanting to hang with me. If all that fails, then have plenty of duct tape or loud music!